Osservatorio “Giordano Dell’Amore” sui rapporti fra diritto ed economia
in cooperation with
Business Integrity and Crime Prevention in Art and Antiquities Market
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Preventing and Remedying Wrongdoings in the Art Market: Which Legal Tools?
July 6, 2023 (4.30 p.m.)
Palazzo Visconti, Via Cino del Duca n. 8, Milano
Within the context of the UNESCO Chair on Business Integrity and Crime Prevention in Art and Antiquities Market the conference “Preventing and Remedying Wrongdoings in the Art Market: Which Legal Tools?” represents a unique opportunity to address the topic of business integrity in cultural heritage-related crimes. Increasing attention by art and antiquities market players (auction houses, museums, collectors, among others) can be currently observed. On the one side, remedying measures, in particular in connection with looted art, have been widely devised in recent times. On the other side, market actors are exposed to growing attention from enforcement agencies and have to face a wide number of civil litigations.
In light of this landscape, the conference aims at providing an analysis of the compliance tools implemented by market players for the prevention of wrongdoings and management of the related risks. Due diligence measures, such as enhanced KYC (know your customer), analysis of the provenance of the culture property, and AML (anti-money laun- dering) measures are becoming a standard rule in this sector. The event conveys experts and academics with broad practice in the field. Practical issues are addressed through different approaches with the aim of safeguarding ethics and legality in the art market and raising public awareness.
Piergiuseppe Biandrino
General Counsel Edison
CNPDS Chairman of the Board of Directors
Krista Pikkat
UNESCO Director of the Culture and Emergencies Entity
Secretary of the 1970 UNESCO Convention
Stefano Manacorda
UNESCO Chair Holder
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples
Leila Amineddoleh
Amineddoleh&Associates L.L.C., New York
Richard Aronowitz-Mercer
Global Head of Restitution at Christie’s, London
Giuseppe Calabi
CBM&Partners Law firm, Milan
Gaetana Morgante
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa
Rena Neville
Corinth Consulting Limited, London
The event will be held in presence, with the option to attend online through the Microsoft Teams platform.
Registration at the following link.